Prevent Falls: See Your Podiatrist Regularly


It’s easy to dismiss a fall as no big deal, but the fact is that falls are dangerous, often resulting in fractures and other injuries to feet, ankles, and the rest of the body. Nearly one-third of American women over the age of 65 experience a fall each year, and that rate is even higher for people over 85. These statistics are slightly lower for men than they are for women. These falls can be serious. They can result in hospitalization, infection, and even in death. The good news is that you can take steps to reduce your risk of a fall and possible injury and your podiatrist can help. September 23 is Falls Prevention Awareness Day.

Here are some tips from Dr. James M. McKee to help you stay safe:

  • Cardiac and neurological diseases are associated with falls. If your doctor has diagnosed such illnesses, be sure to take your medication as prescribed.

  • Keep a tidy home. It’s easy to trip and fall when floors are cluttered.

  • Replace area rugs with wall-to-wall carpets. The edges of those area rugs are tripping hazards.

  • Take good care of your feet. Get to know them well. Report any changes, such as bunions or hammertoes to your foot doctor promptly.

  • Exercise regularly. This is the best way to maintain the balance, flexibility, strength, and bone health that will reduce not only your risk of a fall but also the risk of a fracture or other injury if one occurs.

  • See a board-certified foot doctor like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS at least once a year for an examination, diagnosis, and any necessary treatment. With years of training and experience, your podiatrist is a medical specialist and the best-qualified medical professional to care for your feet, ankles and lower legs.

Schedule a convenient appointment in Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A.’s modern, comfortable office on Solomons Island Road. Call our friendly staff at 410-224-4448 or click here to get started today.