Tips for Staying Safe and Preventing Falls
Anne Arundel County podiatrists Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver are experienced in diagnosing and treating all manner of foot and ankle injuries. They’re also experts in helping your family prevent injuries that can take you off your feet for weeks. As September is National Falls Prevention Month, here are some suggestions to help you prevent the falls that can lead to sprained ankles, broken bones, and even foot and ankle surgery:
Let’s begin by considering your home. The most important step you can take to prevent tripping and falling at home is to keep things tidy. Don’t leave shoes or other objects on the floor. It is dangerous, especially in the bedroom and bathroom and at night. Take a few minutes each day to pick things up and put them away.
Do you have area rugs in your home? Those edges can cause problems. Make sure they are tacked and taped down properly.
Bare feet can increase your risk of slipping and falling. Moving about your home in socks is even more dangerous, especially on the stairs, and should be avoided.
Wear a pair of comfortable slippers or shoes at home.
When you need to reach something high, use a proper step stool or ladder and ask a friend or family member to stand by and keep you stable. Don’t stand on a chair or climb on the counter!
Finally, choose a pair of sensible, low-heeled, comfortable shoes, or sneakers for everyday use. Save the high heels for special occasions or skip them entirely. If you choose to wear stilettos, consider bringing them in a bag and changing into them when you arrive at your destination.
If you have hurt your feet or ankles in a fall, or have another concern about their health and wellness, you should see your podiatrist immediately. A foot doctor like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS or Adam Weaver, DPM, is the best-qualified doctor to care for this part of your body. Call the friendly Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. staff at 410-224-4448, or click here to schedule an appointment in our modern, convenient office on Solomons Island Road today.