Calluses Don’t Have To Cause Foot Pain

Most adults – men and women – will have a callus at one time or another. Have you had a callus? Has it caused you foot pain? You don’t have to suffer from calluses any longer. Your podiatrist can help you manage your discomfort. 

First, let’s understand what a callus is. Known medically as a tyloma or a keratoma, a callus is a thick layer of dead skin cells that occurs due to friction on weight-bearing areas of the body where the bone is near the skin. They are similar to corns, although corns are usually smaller and more inflamed with tough centers. Corns tend to occur on the sides of the feet or the toes; calluses are more often found on the soles, usually at the ball of the foot or the heel. 

Calluses do protect the skin from damage and are not usually problematic. Many athletes are even glad to have calluses, as they toughen the skin on the bottoms of the feet and can make it easier to run.  

In time, however, your callus may start to hurt. It may sting, burn, or throb. When this happens, calluses can interfere with daily life, making it challenging to stand, walk, or run without pain. Further, many people find their calluses unsightly and are embarrassed by the way they make their feet look. 

You might be tempted to treat your callus at home. Don’t do it! Over-the-counter remedies and gadgets are rarely effective and can even lead to chemical burns, small cuts, and infections. These can be especially problematic if you have diabetes which can diminish circulation and sensation. Callus removal is a task best handled by a board-certified podiatrist. With years of specialized training and experience, your foot doctor is the best-qualified medical professional to safely help you. 

If a callus is causing you discomfort, or if you have any other concerns about the health and wellness of your feet, it’s time to see your foot doctor.

Contact Podiatry Group of Annapolis and let us help with all your foot and ankle needs. Dr. James Mckee and Dr. Adam Weaver are experienced and dedicated podiatrists who provide high-quality individualized care. Call us today at 410-224-4448 or visit us online to make an appointment at our conveniently located Annapolis office.