What are Heel Spurs?

A heel spur is formed from excessive bone growth in the heel. Common causes of a heel spur include medical conditions such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, rigid feet, obesity, genetics, poorly fitting shoes and biomechanical imbalance. A heel spur may develop for years and unnoticeable until severe symptoms develop.


Signs and symptoms of Heel Spurs


Heel spurs are mostly asymptomatic. Pain, an early indicator for disorders or injuries may not be felt. Only a few nerve cells are located in the heels compared to surrounding tissues. Pain experienced by those with heel spurs can be due to tissues near the bone.  


·       Pain located at the forward inside or middle of the heel

·       Numbness in the feet

·       Tenderness located near the heel spur

·       Swelling at the underside of the foot

·       Inflammation

·       Difficulty when walking


Treatment options for Heal Spurs


Generally, people who do not exhibit any signs and symptoms don’t require treatment. People may not be even aware that they have this condition. A heel spur can only be accurately diagnosed with advanced imaging techniques such as X-rays. Treatments are only done to relieve symptoms and not the condition itself.


·       Anti-inflammatory drugs to help reduce the pain

·       Fish oils to help reduce the inflammation

·       Homeopathic silica supplement that helps in the re-absorption of Calcium deposits

·       Acupuncture to help relieve the stress in the foot

·       Application of cold packs to relieve pain

·       Arch supports

·       Physiotherapy

·       Cortisone injections to relieve the inflammation of the heel bone

·       Orthotic shoes

·       Heel lifts


If the signs and symptoms persist after the initial treatment, surgical removal of the heel spur will be recommended. Surgical techniques include:


·       Removal of the heel spur

·       Release of the plantar fascia


Treatments done for heel spurs are to relieve its symptoms. Prognosis is good and no major intervention is required unless symptoms become severe. Surgical treatments are complicated and may only worsen the condition.


Contact Podiatry Group of Annapolis and let us help with all your foot and ankle needs. Dr. James Mckee and Dr. Adam Weaver are experienced and dedicated podiatrists who provide high-quality individualized care. Call us today at 410-224-4448 or visit us online to make an appointment at our conveniently located Annapolis office.