Make 2020 the Year You Improve Foot Health


Did you make new year’s resolutions for 2020? Nearly half of all Americans begin the new year with promises for change. Quitting smoking and losing weight are common. But what about your foot health? Did you consider your feet and ankles when you made your list? Here are three recommendations that James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS suggests you consider in 2020:

  1. Eat mindfully to reduce your risk of diabetes. Choose a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein. Low-fat dairy foods and dark, leafy greens will provide calcium, which is critical for bone health. Cut out sugary drinks entirely. Drink plenty of water instead. A careful diet is even more important if you already have diabetes, which poses serious and long-term risks to foot health. Be sure to talk to your doctor about managing your blood sugar levels effectively and take any medication exactly as prescribed.

  2. Don’t ignore changes to foot shape. If you see signs of change, such as a bump on the inner edge of your foot where the big toe meets the foot, or a toe rising up and out of line with the others, you may be developing a deformity such as a bunion or a hammertoe. Early intervention can make a difference and might even help you avoid foot and ankle surgery.

  3. Say no to foot pain. No matter what your age, you should be able to stand, walk, and exercise without pain in your feet or ankles. If you are uncomfortable, talk to your podiatrist. S/he has numerous treatment options that can help, including custom orthotics, shoe inserts that can provide cushioning and support.

Of course, the best step you can take to ensure good foot health in the coming year is to see a podiatrist like Dr. James M. McKee. With years of specialized training and experience, your foot doctor is the best-qualified medical professional to care for your feet, ankles, and lower legs. Schedule a convenient appointment in the modern, comfortable Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. office on Solomons Island Road. Call our friendly staff at 410-224-4448 or click here to get started today.