Arch Abnormalities Can Lead to Foot Pain


How much do you know about the structure of your foot and ankle? Each of your feet contains 26 bones – that’s more than one-quarter of all the bones in your body! – arranged into delicate arches supported by bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These arches make it possible for humans to enjoy a unique posture in the animal kingdom. Thanks to the arches in our feet, we can stand, walk, and run upright.

But what about when the arches aren’t quite as nature intended? When the arches are too high or too low, discomfort can result. It can become challenging to go about the daily activities of our lives. Fortunately, podiatrists like Anne Arundel County foot doctors Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver are experts at examining feet and ankles, diagnosing arch issues, and providing expert treatment to relieve foot pain.

Whether arches are atypically high, known in the medical world as pes cavus, or unusually low, often called “flat feet” or referred to by doctors as pes planus, symptoms can include:

  • tired, achy feet

  • referred pain in the back or hips

  • inflammation

  • pain

  • difficulty wearing shoes

  • pain on standing, walking, or exercising

There are many reasons why men, women, and children develop arch abnormalities. These might be:

  • family history

  • weight issues or obesity

  • pregnancy

  • other illnesses such as arthritis or diabetes

Treatment options for arch issues include:

  • over-the-counter and prescription medication for pain and swelling

  • specialized exercises

  • physical therapy

  • custom orthotics to provide added cushioning and support in shoes

Are you concerned about the ways your arches are impacting your mobility, or do you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? It’s time for a visit to your foot doctor. With years of training and experience, a podiatrist like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS, and Adam Weaver, DPM is a medical specialist and the best-qualified professional to help you.