Choosing the Best Boots for Winter


Fall has arrived, and the seasonal changes are unmistakable. We’ve traded our shorts and t-shirts for long pants and sweaters, days at the beach for afternoon apple picking, and backyard barbecues for bonfires. Winter will be here soon, bringing snow and ice and, with it, seasonal foot health issues, including skin conditions of the feet and foot and ankle injuries from falls on snow and ice. You can reduce the risk of these problems when you wear the right pair of winter boots.

Here are three recommendations from Anne Arundel County podiatrists Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver to keep in mind as you go shopping: 

  1. Make sure your boots fit correctly. Foot size changes with age. If it has been more than a year since your last professional fitting, shop at a brick and mortar store where they measure your feet before you make a purchase. If you’re buying boots for kids, don’t give in to the temptation to buy them big so the kids can “grow into them.” Like all footwear, boots should be the right size.

  2. Choose form over fashion. Pick a sensible pair of warm, insulated boots. It is especially important if you’re living with diabetes or another illness that can negatively impact circulation or sensation. You can improve the effectiveness of your boots with the addition of wool socks, which do a better job than cotton at keeping feet warm and dry.

  3. Stay safe on snow and ice. Make sure that your boots offer thick lug soles for improved traction. It will reduce your risk of a fall that could lead to foot and ankle injuries.

Make sure your feet and ankles are strong, healthy, and ready for winter. Schedule a visit with podiatrists James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS, and Adam Weaver, DPM, in our modern, comfortable office on Solomons Island Road. Our doctors will examine your feet, diagnose any existing or impending issues, and work with you to create an effective and individualized treatment plan. Call the friendly Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. staff to get started today.